För återfettning av flitigt använda ull/silkekläder och ullblöjbyxor. Vid regelbunden användning av Sonett ullkur återfår materialet den nödvändiga fetthalten. Plaggen återfår sin elasticitet och blir smutsavvisande igen.
Ingredienser: Ullfett, tvål av olivolja*, sockertensid, cetylalkohol, vegetabiliskt förtjockningsmedel, citrat, eterisk lavendelolja* (innehåller linalool*), balsamiska tillsatser*, vatten
(*certifierat ekologiskt odlat / vilt växande växter).
Ranges of application:
For lipid replenishing of highly stressed garments made from wool and silk. Particularly important for babies´ woollen nappy pants which, due to the natural wool-wax content, collect the dampness from the diaper while still remaining permeable to air. If babies’ woollen nappy pants are washed, they lose their naturally occurring wool fat. Regular application of Wool Care replenishes the wool with the wool wax it needs for proper functioning.
Application / Dosage:
Woollen nappy pants: Dissolve 1–2 tbsp. of Wool Care in hot water and fill up to approx. 1 litre using cold water. Place the moistened woollen nappy pants into the lukewarm solution, wash through several times and leave to soak for about ½ – 1 hour. Rinse in lukewarm water, press out and leave to dry on a towel.
Stressed woollen clothing, such as jackets, milled jackets, wool-felt hats, jumpers, etc.: Dissolve ½ teaspoonful of Wool Care in hot water and proceed as described above.
Wool Care can also be used in the washing machine. To this end, dissolve ½ teaspoonful of Wool Care in approx. 30–40 ml of hot water and pour the solution into the fabric softener compartment of the washing machine.